Good question! It's a browser extension for Chrome and Firefox that turns everything into uwu-speak,
featuring tons of customization like a perma-uwu mode, a site whitelist, and extension themes!
site whitelist / perma-uwu toggle / even more uwu mode / manual uwuify / extension themes /
uwuify keybind
(scroll left/right)
note that I have made some design changes since I took these :3
Does this work on any other browsers?
Yep! uwuify works on all Chromium-based browsers, like Brave, Edge, or even Opera.
You absolute madman. Just go to the Chrome Web Store on any of these browsers and get it from there!
why not working (firefox)
Using version 1.4.0 and later, go to:
prefs -> select "info" -> click "init" -> click "Request permissions"
Firefox should then prompt you to grant uwuify its necessary permissions :3
edit keybinds
for firefox, go to about:addons, then select the gear icon to the right of
"Manage your extensions", and select "Manage extension shortcuts".
for chrome, go to chrome://extensions, then select "Keyboard shortcuts"
in the sidebar.
Note: I do not own any attributed works used in this project. All attributed works, as listed in
Attributions in the Github repo, are used under their own copyright terms and licenses.